What I stand for…

  • Advocate for school choice

  • Increased transparency and accountability in Government

  • Defend parental rights

  • Dedicated to limiting government spending

  • Oppose new taxes and fees

  • Defend 2nd Amendment

  • Advocate for Veterans

  • Promote options, support, and compassion for expecting mothers

  • Support Law Enforcement

I have been involved in education, in some capacity, most of my life.  I graduated from the University of Maine with my Masters in Education and have experience as guidance counselor in the public school system.   This foundation was the start of my understanding of the ins and outs of our educational systems. My three children have experienced a mix of public, private and home education.  I believe in educational freedom for all children.  Parents should have the freedom to choose the educational pathway that is best for their children.

Beyond education, parents have the fundamental right to decide what is best for their children and their families.  Thomas Sowell says it best, “the basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.”  I firmly believe that our future is best served when parents determine what is best for families. 

My husband and I have been Merrimack residents for over 30 years.  We are thankful to live in NH and I will work to maintain our NH Advantage by advocating for no new taxes or regulations.  Additionally, I support maintaining and creating safe communities which are the foundation of a thriving state.  I stand with our law enforcement and the second amendment.  The second amendment is a right of the people to keep and bear arms and it shall not be infringed.  

Finally, my goal as a state representative is to uphold our inalienable rights endowed by our Creator, maintaining the liberty given to us by those who came before us and fought for our freedom.  I have a bumper sticker on my desk that says, “Pursue Truth, Defend Liberty” - I intend to do just that. 

I am running to preserve our heritage of freedom, limited government, and helping families flourish
— Rebekah Woodman